BASED ON ISO 9001 : 2015,ISO 14001:2015, OHSAS 18001 and ISO 22000:2005 standards.
Recognized by:RABQSA
BASED ON ISO 9001 : 2015,ISO 14001:2015, OHSAS 18001 and ISO 22000:2005 standards.
Recognized by:RABQSA
The aim of the course is to provide an understanding of the principles and practices of quality/environment / safety management system auditing and to impart practical training on quality auditing skills. At the end of the course the participants will be able to:
-Interpret correctly the requirements of the standard and how they apply to the processes of a company.
-Add Value towards improvements in the respective management system of a company.
-Develop skills for becoming a successful Management System Person /M R(Management Representative) / ISO Coordinator.
-Develop skills for becoming a competent auditor for your company responsible for developing, implementing,maintaining &improving your company�s quality/environment/ safety Management System.
-Develop skills for conducting management System Audits on Suppliers (Vendors) on behalf of your company.
-Conduct an effective gap analysis/internal audit/suppliers audit/third party certification audit on behalf of various certification bodies.
The course is suitable for those:
Prior to commencement of the course, all participants are expected to have an understanding of the content & implementation of ISO 9000/ISO 14001/ISO 45001 series of standards.
Registered participants are sent pre-course material in advance for preparation. Course material comprising detailed course material and International Standards on QMS/EMS/FSMS is given to each participant.
Those participants who successfully complete the continuous assessment during the course and also the written Examination , which is conducted on 2nd ,4th and 5th day of the course, will be issued Successfully completion/Competent auditor certificate recognized from Exemplar Global (Formerly known as RAB QSA).
Such certificates of successful course completion are only valid for three years from the date of the course for the purpose of auditor certification/registration with RABQSA/NABET.
For participant does not qualify in the ongoing exercise or in the written examination will awarded only attendance certificate.
The course is of non-residential nature. The course is of 5 days duration from 9:00AM to 6:00 PM For five days. Tea/Coffee and working lunch is provided during the training.
The seats in the course are limited to maximum 20 and are registered on first-come-first served basis.
For registration , the particulars of the participants like name, designation, email, postal address, phone number, etc along with fee by cash or through DD/cheque payable in favour of MS Certification Services Pvt.Ltd. .